Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Go Arizona

In my government class we were recently asked to discuss the current issue between Congress and Arizona over the new Arizona Immigration Law. Arizona’s new law allows law enforcement officials to question citizens with “ reasonable suspicion,” regarding their legality to be in this country. I think it is completely wrong of Congress to be attempting to sue Arizona over this new law.  Arizona is simply doing what Congress should have already put into effect. The Fed’s argument is, "In our constitutional system, the power to regulate immigration is exclusively vested in the federal government." Arizona’s Governor Jan Brewer’s rebuttal is that it is ,"Wrong that our own federal government is suing the people of Arizona for helping to enforce federal immigration law." The Governor goes on to say, "Today's filing is nothing more than a massive waste of taxpayer funds," and that "These funds could be better used against the violent Mexican cartels than the people of Arizona." Governor Brewer I completely agree with you. Instead of using tax dollars to fight a law that protects our country, maybe Congress and the President should step up and admit that this issue would not exist if they would have taken responsibility for their inaction and taken care of this problem a long time ago. If you are not legally in this country than 9 times out of 10 you should not be here. If you want to be in this country, then go through the proper legal process. I’ve said this before, but I know people first hand who have had to go through this process, it took about a year, but I think that year is worth not ever having to worry about being deported because you are unlawfully living in this country.